How to Support Our Bill

In 2025, the Bill numbers are H.B. 1503 / S.B. 642

Five ways to support the Genetic Counselor Licensure Bill:

  1. Contact your legislator, letting them know how important genetic counselor licensure in Texas is. 

  2. Encourage your professional colleagues in Texas to contact their legislators. 

  3. Encourage your family and friends in Texas to contact their legislators. 

  4. Encourage your patients (and/or other supporters) in Texas to contact their legislators. 

  5. Follow the progress of the TSGC GC Licensure subcommittee, and don’t forget to vote! 

How to contact your legislator? 

  • Find out who your representative is here. Enter your home address. 

  • Click on the name of your Texas House and Senate representatives for their contact information.  

  • Call or write a letter. Use our templates, or compose your own personalized letter. 

Tips for Communicating with Your Legislator:

  • Have your elevator pitch ready! 

  • Focus on one clear ask. 

  • Hi, my name is ___________, and I urge Representative/Senator ___________ to vote yes in support of H.B. 1503 / S.B. 642 for genetic counselor licensure. 

  • Why? 

  • Protects Texans from harm. 

  • Improves health care spending efficiency. 

  • Facilitates access to remote health care services.